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Building a Following

It’s going to take me a while to build a following. So far I’ve mostly sold print books to people in person, either at bookstore events or just from those I connect with in daily life. I’ve done well with this because I’m chatty and people are curious and my book is pretty. I just make sure I always bring a few copies whenever I go somewhere.

The main market I want to reach for, though, is ebooks. For this I need to build my email list so that I can keep people up to date when I have a new book out. If you want to sign up, the form is on my home page. I will send you my new short story Sapphire’s Wings as a thank you when I receive notice of your signing up. I hope you enjoy it. See the pretty cover my guy made for it. He’s very talented!

Below I’ve listed some promotions below that I’ve signed up for wherby all the authors involved will be sharing these links with their followers as I am doing with you. They look really gorgeous and are in similar genres to my own novel. Please check them out by clicking on the image(s).

Stay tuned as I prepare to share more images of my travels as well as a progress report on my next novel.

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